Juil 1, 2024 | Health Tips
How do you sleep? While it may not seem so at first, a good night’s sleep is as essential to health as water or food. In this article, explore why sleep is a cornerstone of health and how you can ensure you get the rest you need. The dangers of sleep...
Juin 30, 2024 | Health Tips
Down with the flu? Down with the flu? Want to get better faster? Read these simple tips for a speedy recovery. A runny nose is the main symptom of Flu (whatever virus, Influenza, Corona or others). “Flu” has been named by the virus that is responsible for the disease...
Juin 30, 2024 | Chronic Chronicles, Health Tips
How to deal with high blood pressure Everybody knows someone with high blood pressure (BP)…father, aunt, colleague! It is quite common to hear “I visited my GP and had a BP check”. What does it really mean? What are those values we hear 120 over 80 (millimetres...