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Down with the flu?

Down with the flu? Want to get better faster? Read these simple tips for a speedy recovery.

woman, blow, blowing

A runny nose is the main symptom of Flu (whatever virus, Influenza, Corona or others). “Flu” has been named by the virus that is responsible for the disease of “getting a cold”: the Influenza virus. Symptoms are mainly fatigue, muscle pain, headaches, cough, sneezing, blocked nose and runny nose. They are the manifestation of the virus being active in your airways, from your nose to your bronchus. Calendar of infection is as follows: first day – virus spread & multiplication in your entire body (you are feeling tired and ill with body aching), second day – your immune system fights back with its white cells and antibodies, battle is fully engaged, you may have fever and feel more tired because your body is in fight mode. Third day – virus spread starts resolving as your lymphatic glands are in full action (you might feel them swollen in your throat/neck: that is a good sign!). The fourth day – fever should drop as a sign that your body won the battle and recovery stage starts: that’s where you need to feed your body healthy vitamins rich food (fresh fruits and vegetables) and loads of water to help it recover with building its immune system again, ready for the next threat!

Symptoms you feel are the sign of virus being in that body part: it stays in the nose, damages the thin nasal cavities skin called mucosa thus producing secretions – that’s the running nose. Secretions are produced in the throat as well, they tickle some receptors located in the back of the throat, body doesn’t like it and reacts as a reflex: that’s the cough.

More secretions in the throat with overflow in the Eustache tube (that is easily accessible in children’s anatomy) will have ear infection (otitis) as a possible consequence. Secretions blocking the sinus cavities will lead to headaches and maybe develop into sinusitis if not cleared out. Virus spread in our airways and attack the lining skin cells with damaging their water pump, thus leading to production of heavy secretion. These will accumulate in nasal cavities, sinuses and throat and you will feel symptoms such as runny nose, headaches, ear pain or cough (cough might last up to 3 weeks even though virus has been cleared…).

Avoiding complications 

To avoid or minimize the impact of secretions on your airways, a very simple way is to clear mucus from where it is produced: cleaning the nose and sinus cavities will help washing out the virus and reducing it’s effects. This is easily achieved by using a plastic syringe or a rubber suction bulb: fill it with water (tempered: not too cold, not too hot) and blow into nostril, while closing the opposite nostril with a finger. Head position should be down as if you were looking at your tummy. Repeating this action 2-3 times a day will prevent congestion to develop and avoid health complications such as headaches due to sinusitis.

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